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Successful Case


Succeed in cutting of the tumor that is located in occipital macropore region


    作者:    时间:2011-06-23   编辑:闫姗姗   点击次数:7855

Ms. Li, 59-year-old, she had a headache without any reasons 2 months ago, but it was not much painful, mainly on the top of the head and the neck. She thought she had not enough rest and didn’t care. But after some time, her headache didn’t improve but she had a dizzy, she had a cough when she ate something. She checked brain CT in a local hospital in April of this year, but it had not any abnormalities and she had not improvement after medical treatment.

In May of this year, Ms. Li came to GuangDong 999Brain Hospital with the introduction of her son’s friend. She was found that her voice was husky and she could not walk steadily. The brain MR showed she had tumor in occipital macropore region. After completing checking, Ms. Li had the operation that cut off the tumor on May 12, 2011, the tumor was cut off completely and the brain nerves around it were protected well. The operation was smooth, she was back to the sickroom to be given the treatment of fighting against injection, dehydration and nourishing support.

Her headache and dizzy was improved much after the operation, she could walk out of bed. Due to the high pressure on her brain nerves to cause damage, therefore, she had some brain nerve symptoms, such as swallowing hard, having no strength on neck and being slow to recover the nerves. Thanks to the complete cutting off the tumor, and tumor was benign, so the effect of the operation was better than the expectation. Ms. Li had not other diseases caused by the operation and her families were all satisfied.


Zhang Liang Director of GuangDong 999 Brain Hospital points out: the tumor located in occipital macropore region is much more common and was benign tumor. The treatment was to cut off by operations, it could be completely cut off with the modern medical skills. Besides, there are some other diseases happening caused by the operation, especially damaging the nerves, but with the treatments, such as nerve nourishing, acupuncture treatment and HBO, some nerves of the patients will be cured or recovered partly.

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